Be Connected provides a support line available to everyone:

1-866-4AZ-VETS (429-8387)



How it Works

Whether you need help and support for you or your family or whether you are helping someone else, this service is available anytime, statewide. Community partners and supporters are also welcome to call on behalf of anyone they are trying to assist. You can call anonymously if you do not feel comfortable disclosing your information.


Support Provided: 

The Be Connected line is a support line, which means you do not have to be experiencing a crisis situation to call. Anyone who needs support, whether for themselves or for someone else, can call anytime. If you are looking for employment resources, financial assistance or information on how to file a VA claim, the support line staff members can connect you to the right resource, right away. Likewise, if you are searching for volunteer opportunities or peer support groups, the team has information on that, as well!


There are many scenarios in which the Be Connected support line can be of assistance. Please do not hesitate to reach out: 1-866-4AZ-VETS (429-8387).

Additionally, please share this support line with anyone who could use it.


Here are some examples of when you might use this line: 

  • You need help finding resources for yourself or your family.
  • You are concerned about a friend, coworker or fellow student who seems to be struggling and are not sure what, if anything, you should do next.
  • You are trying to help a family member but are encountering a lot of barriers on why they don’t want or need help, and you need guidance about ways to support them.
  • You want to be better equipped to help people in your community and want to know more about how to get involved.
  • You feel overwhelmed.

In addition to the resources provided by the Be Connected Team on the support line, you can view a snapshot of what is available statewide, as well as in your area, by visiting the Be Connected Web-based Platform.